Fell-O's Waterproofing & Construction

Waterproofing & Construction Specialists

Since we have the capabilities in house to see your project from start to finish, foundation to drywall, we really have the power to bring you the best price.

Quality Guarenteed


Solutions For

Do you have a leaky, damp or wet basement? It's probably a foundation issue. Let's talk about how we can fix that up.



House Renovations

Looking to expand or modify the footprint of your home? We can help by planning and handling the general construction for the build.

Solutions For


Do you want to increase the ceiling height of your basement? We specialize in underpinning to dig your basement down further and then re-build your foundation giving you your desired ceiling height.

Solutions For

Major Structural Repair

Is your foundation or home damaged, cracked, or in a bad situation? We can help, get started by scheduling an estimate and we can show you how we can help.

Solutions For

Masonry & Foundations

Are you building a new house, garage, shop or need a concrete pad? We can help with all Masonry requests. Schedule a call to learn how we can get your new foundation built and ready for what's next!

Solutions For

Fences & Decks

We can help you by building decks, fences, and designing new patios. Let us know your creative vision and we'll show you how it can be made possible!

Solutions For

Underground Plumbing

We can help you dig up old plumbing, run new lines through foundations, out in the yard, etc. Reach out today for your project estimate.

Solutions For

Backwater Valves

A backwater valve is a valve you can install on your sewer line and is designed to allow water or sewage to flow only one way, that is, out of your house. We can help you install and fix these solutions.

Slide The FELL-O's Rundown Quality first. We run a tight ship with our projects, that's why we make quality our #1 priority when working on your property.